7 Moon Craters named for Universalists and Unitarians
. . . Actually this is a list of six craters and one moon ridge named for Us, Us and UUs.
Unitarian Universalists (they were two separate denominations in the US until they consolidated in 1961) are two long-lived liberal branches of Protestantism that believe, among other things, that the ideas of religion and science can be in harmony. Thus one finds many scientists among the ranks of UUs. These data are excerpted from my little booklet, A Who's Who of UUs, now in its 4th edition.
The following are listed in reverse alphabetical order because doing everything in alphabetical order gets pretty tiresome.
1. Wiener moon crater named for Norbert Wiener
120 km in diameter, far side of the moon
Norbert Wiener (26 Nov 1894-18 Mar 1964), Ph.D. Harvard 1912; American mathematician, communication theorist; created the field of cybernetics and coined the term cybernetics (mathematics applied to feedback, computer control of machines); professor of mathematics at M.I.T. 1919-64 (45 years); honorable Sc.D. Tufts 1946; author Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in Animal and Machine 1948 (seminal work), many other scientific books and hundreds of articles; Wiener process, Wiener filter, Wiener equation and many other items named in his honor; Unitarian of Jewish heritage
2. Peirce moon crater named for Benjamin Peirce
18 km in diameter, near side
Benjamin Peirce (pronounced purse) (4 Apr 1809-6 Oct 1880), American astronomer, mathematician; researched orbit of Neptune and rings of Saturn; tutor 1829-31, professor of mathematics 1831-80 (49 years) and professor of astronomy 1842-80 (38 years) at Harvard; founded Harvard Observatory 1843; appointed to the organizing committee of the Smithsonian 1847; director of longitudinal determinations 1852-67 and superintendent 1867-74 of the US Coast Survey; author Physical and Celestial Mechanics 1855 (first book in field) and other mathematical textbooks; coined algebra terms idempotent and nilpotent 1870, created Peirce's criterion (in statistics) 1852 and 'Peirce decomposition' (in algebra) 1881; Unitarian
3. Mitchell moon crater named for Maria Mitchell
30 km in diameter, near side
Maria Mitchell (pronounced ma-RY-ah) (1 Aug 1818-28 Jun 1889), American astronomer, self educated scholar; first person to discover a comet visible only through a telescope 1847; first woman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1848 (remained the only woman member for 95 years) and to the American Philosophical Society 1869; among first professors at Vassar 1865; as professor of astronomy same 1865-87 became the first woman full professor in the US; one of three women first elected to the American Philosophical Association 1869; cofounded the Association for the Advancement of Women 1875; Gold Medal King of Denmark 1847 (excellence in astronomy); member of the American Hall of Fame; raised Quaker, became Unitarian
4. Lyell moon crater named for Sir Charles Lyell
32 km in diameter, on the edge of the Sea of Tranquility, near side
Sir Charles Lyell (14 Nov 1797-22 Feb 1875), Scottish Baronet; geologist; chief proponent geological uniformitarianism; author Principles of Geography 1830-33 (3 volumes, standard work), Elements of Geology 1838, Geological Evidences of Antiquity of Man 1863 and many other books and papers; first to explain the cause of earthquakes 1830; professor of geology at King's College, London 1830s; knighted 1848; raised to baronet 1864; Lyell crater on Mars, and also mountains in California, Canada, and Tasmania named in his honor; member of Little Portland Street Chapel, Unitarian, London
5. Dorsa Burnet moon ridge named for Thomas Burnet
194 km in length, western ridge of the Oceanus Procellarum, near side
Thomas Burnet (c.1635-27 Sep 1715), English scholar, theologian; fellow of Christ's College 1650s; proctor at Cambridge 1660s; master of the Charterhouse 1680s; involved in famous early court case regarding copyright 1721; author Telluris Theoria Sacra (2 volumes, 1681-89) and De Statu Mortuorum et Resurgentium (State of the Dead and Raised, posthumous, 1727), both arguing against eternal hell; published similar works by other authors; Universalist
6. Carmichael moon crater named for Leonard Carmichael
20 km in diameter, near side
Leonard Carmichael (9 Nov 1898-16 Sep 1973), Ph.D. Harvard 1924; American professor of psychology at Brown 1927-36; honorary Sc.D. from Tufts 1937; trustee of Tufts 1937-73 (36 years); as president of Tufts 1938-52 greatly expanded the size and diversity of the student population; author Manual of Child Psychology 1946 (classic of early childhood development, many editions); as chief executive of the Smithsonian 1952-63 expanded the Museum of Natural History, added the Museum of History and Technology; vice president of research and exploration National Geographic Society 1964- ; president American Psychological Association; president American Philosophical Society 1970-73; Leonard Carmichael Society at Tufts (working to alleviate hunger, homelessness, etc) named in his honor 1958; Universalist
7. Giordano Bruno moon crater named for Giordano Bruno
22 km in diameter, far side of the moon
Giordano Bruno (also known as Filippo Bruno) (1548-17 Feb 1600), Italian philosopher, cosmologist, author of numerous books; onetime Dominican monk; first to advance the theory of an infinite universe filled with stars like our sun; also believed in a human Christ and that all souls including the Devil will finally be saved; burned at the stake in Rome for heresy; philosophical Universalist and Unitarian
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Please let me know if I have left anyone out who should be on this list.
25 March 2010
10 March 2010
250 Words for Groups of People
. . . I started this list ages ago because I was trying to come up with a cute name for a group or club or something that was being formed at the time. I don't remember anything about the actual group, but the list I created eventually grew to be enormous.
This is just a bare-bones list. I have only included a few definitions here and there, and they are as concise as I can make them.
Most of these terms could go anywhere in a club name, but some of them only sound good at the end of a name (and some have strict legal definitions). They are: incorporated, limited, unlimited, combined, congolmerated amalgamated, associated, assembled, affiliated, aggregated, allied, collected, concerned, consolidated, delegated, federated.
The usefulness of this list is, after you have come up with the best name for your club, you can use this list to help you come up with a phrase that works out as an acronym for the name of your club. (Example: Take the name Moses; build it up into Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling Strength.) (Yes, Moses is a real interfaith urban renewal organization in Detroit, Michigan.)
Here, then, is the list.
1. action
2. adjutancy
3. administration
4. affiliated, affiliation
5. agency
6. aggregated, aggregate, aggregation
7. allied, alliance
8. amalgam, amalgamated, amalgamation
9. anonymous
10. argosy. a fleet of ships.
11. aristocracy
12. arm
13. armada
14. army
15. assembled, assembly, assemblage
16. associated, association
17. authority
18. band
19. base
20. bastion
21. battalion, battery, battle group
22. bevy
23. bloc, block
24. board
25. body
26. branch
27. brotherhood, brothers, brethren, sons
28. brigade
29. bunch
30. bureau
31. business, business group
32. cabal. a secret group.
33. cabinet
34. cadre
35. cahoot
36. camp
37. campaign
38. cartel. a group of competing companies or business entities.
39. cast
40. caste
41. caucus
42. cavalry
43. century
44. chamber, chambers
45. chapter
46. choir, chorale, chorus
47. chosen
48. church
49. circle
50. clan
51. class
52. clique
53. cloister
54. club
55. cluster
56. clutch
57. coalition
58. cohort
59. collected, collection, collective
60. colony
61. column
62. combat team
63. combined, combine, combination
64. command, commandery
65. commission
66. committee
67. common interest group
68. commonweal, commonwealth
69. commune
70. communion
71. community
72. companionship
73. company
74. complement
75. concern, concerned
76. condominium, condo
77. confederated, confederate, confederation, confederacy
78. conference
79. confraternity
80. congolmerated, conglomerate, conglomeration
81. congregation
82. congress
83. consolidated, consolidation
84. consortium
85. constabulary
86. constituency
87. contingent
88. cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, co-op, coop
89. copartnership
90. corporation
91. corps
92. coterie
93. council
94. court
95. crew
96. crowd
97. cult
98. delegated, delegate, delegation
99. den. Boy Scout term for local group.
100. denomination
101. department
102. deputation
103. detachment
104. detail
105. directorate
106. division
107. duo, duet. group of two.
108. echelon
109. electorate
110. elite
111. ensemblage, ensemble
112. entourage
113. escadrille. a group of aircraft.
114. establishment
115. exchange
116. extended family
117. faction
118. family
119. fathers, brothers, brotherhood, brethren, sons
120. federated, federacy, federation
121. fellowship
122. file, rank and file
123. firm
124. fleet
125. flight
126. flock
127. flotilla. a fleet of ships.
128. force
129. formation
130. forum
131. foundation
132. fraternity, frat
133. friends
134. fringe
135. gaggle
136. gang
137. garrison
138. genos. ancient Athenian term for a clan.
139. genus. a group of species with many common characteristics.
140. government
141. grand jury
142. group
143. guild
144. harem. a group of wives in one household with one husband.
145. horde
146. house
147. incorporated, incorporation
148. infantry
149. institute, institution
150. interest group
151. jamboree. Boy Scout term for a large combined gathering.
152. joint concern
153. junket
154. junta. a military government.
155. junto. a club.
156. jury, grand jury, petit jury
157. kaper group. Girl Scout term for small group assigned to do chores together.
158. kingdom
159. knights
160. knot
161. league
162. legion
163. legislature
164. limited
165. local
166. lodge
167. lunatic fringe
168. maniple. an ancient Roman military division.
169. meeting
170. ministry
171. mission
172. mob
173. moiety. a subdivision of a tribe.
174. mothers, daughters, sisters, sisterhood
175. nation, national, nationality
176. neighborhood
177. nonet. a group of nine.
180. nuclear family
181. obe. ancient Athenian term for a village and the people who inhabit it.
182. octet. a group of eight.
183. orchestra
184. order
185. organizing, organized, organization
186. outfit
187. outpost
188. pack. Boy Scout term for a group of dens.
189. pair. a group of two.
190. panel
191. parliament
192. partnership
193. party
194. patrol
195. petit jury
196. phalanx. a tactical formation of a military unit.
197. phraty. a group of related tribes or clans.
198. phylum. biological term for one of the main divisions of species.
199. platoon
200. pocket
201. posse
202. post
203. quartet. a group of four.
204. quintet. a group of five.
205. rabble
206. race
207. rally
208. rank, rank and file
209. regiment
210. religion
211. ring
212. secretariat
213. sect
214. section
215. senate
216. sept. 1. a subdivision of a clan; 2. one family within a clan.
217. septet. a goup of seven.
218. seraglio. 1. a harem; 2. the residence of a harem.
219. set
220. sextet, sestet. a group of six.
221. side
222. sisterhood, sisters, mothers, daughters
223. society
224. solo. a group of one.
225. sons, brothers, brotherhood, brethren, fathers
226. sorority
227. special interest group, SIG. term used by members of Mensa for a small group of members with a common interest.
228. squad
229. squadron
230. station
231. subdivision, sub. 1. a plot of land with a group of single-family homes laid out along several streets; 2. the group who live in a sub.
232. sub-unit
233. support group
234. symphony orchestra, symphony
235. task force
236. team
237. temple
238. tontine. a group of mutual investors.
239. touch group, T-group. youth camp term for a small group of campers who do activities together.
240. tribe
241. trio. a group of three.
242. troop. Girl Scout term for local group.
243. troupe. group of actors.
244. trust
245. umbrella, umbrella group
246. unit, united
247. unlimited
248. wing
249. working group, WG
250. wungwa. Hopi term for a clan (Native Americans of southwestern US).
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. . . I started this list ages ago because I was trying to come up with a cute name for a group or club or something that was being formed at the time. I don't remember anything about the actual group, but the list I created eventually grew to be enormous.
This is just a bare-bones list. I have only included a few definitions here and there, and they are as concise as I can make them.
Most of these terms could go anywhere in a club name, but some of them only sound good at the end of a name (and some have strict legal definitions). They are: incorporated, limited, unlimited, combined, congolmerated amalgamated, associated, assembled, affiliated, aggregated, allied, collected, concerned, consolidated, delegated, federated.
The usefulness of this list is, after you have come up with the best name for your club, you can use this list to help you come up with a phrase that works out as an acronym for the name of your club. (Example: Take the name Moses; build it up into Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling Strength.) (Yes, Moses is a real interfaith urban renewal organization in Detroit, Michigan.)
Here, then, is the list.
1. action
2. adjutancy
3. administration
4. affiliated, affiliation
5. agency
6. aggregated, aggregate, aggregation
7. allied, alliance
8. amalgam, amalgamated, amalgamation
9. anonymous
10. argosy. a fleet of ships.
11. aristocracy
12. arm
13. armada
14. army
15. assembled, assembly, assemblage
16. associated, association
17. authority
18. band
19. base
20. bastion
21. battalion, battery, battle group
22. bevy
23. bloc, block
24. board
25. body
26. branch
27. brotherhood, brothers, brethren, sons
28. brigade
29. bunch
30. bureau
31. business, business group
32. cabal. a secret group.
33. cabinet
34. cadre
35. cahoot
36. camp
37. campaign
38. cartel. a group of competing companies or business entities.
39. cast
40. caste
41. caucus
42. cavalry
43. century
44. chamber, chambers
45. chapter
46. choir, chorale, chorus
47. chosen
48. church
49. circle
50. clan
51. class
52. clique
53. cloister
54. club
55. cluster
56. clutch
57. coalition
58. cohort
59. collected, collection, collective
60. colony
61. column
62. combat team
63. combined, combine, combination
64. command, commandery
65. commission
66. committee
67. common interest group
68. commonweal, commonwealth
69. commune
70. communion
71. community
72. companionship
73. company
74. complement
75. concern, concerned
76. condominium, condo
77. confederated, confederate, confederation, confederacy
78. conference
79. confraternity
80. congolmerated, conglomerate, conglomeration
81. congregation
82. congress
83. consolidated, consolidation
84. consortium
85. constabulary
86. constituency
87. contingent
88. cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, co-op, coop
89. copartnership
90. corporation
91. corps
92. coterie
93. council
94. court
95. crew
96. crowd
97. cult
98. delegated, delegate, delegation
99. den. Boy Scout term for local group.
100. denomination
101. department
102. deputation
103. detachment
104. detail
105. directorate
106. division
107. duo, duet. group of two.
108. echelon
109. electorate
110. elite
111. ensemblage, ensemble
112. entourage
113. escadrille. a group of aircraft.
114. establishment
115. exchange
116. extended family
117. faction
118. family
119. fathers, brothers, brotherhood, brethren, sons
120. federated, federacy, federation
121. fellowship
122. file, rank and file
123. firm
124. fleet
125. flight
126. flock
127. flotilla. a fleet of ships.
128. force
129. formation
130. forum
131. foundation
132. fraternity, frat
133. friends
134. fringe
135. gaggle
136. gang
137. garrison
138. genos. ancient Athenian term for a clan.
139. genus. a group of species with many common characteristics.
140. government
141. grand jury
142. group
143. guild
144. harem. a group of wives in one household with one husband.
145. horde
146. house
147. incorporated, incorporation
148. infantry
149. institute, institution
150. interest group
151. jamboree. Boy Scout term for a large combined gathering.
152. joint concern
153. junket
154. junta. a military government.
155. junto. a club.
156. jury, grand jury, petit jury
157. kaper group. Girl Scout term for small group assigned to do chores together.
158. kingdom
159. knights
160. knot
161. league
162. legion
163. legislature
164. limited
165. local
166. lodge
167. lunatic fringe
168. maniple. an ancient Roman military division.
169. meeting
170. ministry
171. mission
172. mob
173. moiety. a subdivision of a tribe.
174. mothers, daughters, sisters, sisterhood
175. nation, national, nationality
176. neighborhood
177. nonet. a group of nine.
180. nuclear family
181. obe. ancient Athenian term for a village and the people who inhabit it.
182. octet. a group of eight.
183. orchestra
184. order
185. organizing, organized, organization
186. outfit
187. outpost
188. pack. Boy Scout term for a group of dens.
189. pair. a group of two.
190. panel
191. parliament
192. partnership
193. party
194. patrol
195. petit jury
196. phalanx. a tactical formation of a military unit.
197. phraty. a group of related tribes or clans.
198. phylum. biological term for one of the main divisions of species.
199. platoon
200. pocket
201. posse
202. post
203. quartet. a group of four.
204. quintet. a group of five.
205. rabble
206. race
207. rally
208. rank, rank and file
209. regiment
210. religion
211. ring
212. secretariat
213. sect
214. section
215. senate
216. sept. 1. a subdivision of a clan; 2. one family within a clan.
217. septet. a goup of seven.
218. seraglio. 1. a harem; 2. the residence of a harem.
219. set
220. sextet, sestet. a group of six.
221. side
222. sisterhood, sisters, mothers, daughters
223. society
224. solo. a group of one.
225. sons, brothers, brotherhood, brethren, fathers
226. sorority
227. special interest group, SIG. term used by members of Mensa for a small group of members with a common interest.
228. squad
229. squadron
230. station
231. subdivision, sub. 1. a plot of land with a group of single-family homes laid out along several streets; 2. the group who live in a sub.
232. sub-unit
233. support group
234. symphony orchestra, symphony
235. task force
236. team
237. temple
238. tontine. a group of mutual investors.
239. touch group, T-group. youth camp term for a small group of campers who do activities together.
240. tribe
241. trio. a group of three.
242. troop. Girl Scout term for local group.
243. troupe. group of actors.
244. trust
245. umbrella, umbrella group
246. unit, united
247. unlimited
248. wing
249. working group, WG
250. wungwa. Hopi term for a clan (Native Americans of southwestern US).
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08 March 2010
Give A Man A Fish
. . . You have probably heard it said, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." But have you heard these?
1. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
2. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the net and he won't bother you for weeks.
3. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.
4. Give a man a fish, then run like hell.
Browse the Humor section at TomFolio.com
Help a starving bookdealer
. . . You have probably heard it said, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." But have you heard these?
1. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
2. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the net and he won't bother you for weeks.
3. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.
4. Give a man a fish, then run like hell.
Browse the Humor section at TomFolio.com
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