26 May 2010

43 POD Publishers

. . . What is a POD publisher? It stands for Print on Demand. The first POD publisher started in the 1930s and printed books from microfilm but since the 1990s computer technology has made POD printing very affordable. The industry has been mushrooming ever since.

Below I list 43 POD publisher names that I have seen on used books. There are plenty more POD publishers out there, but they are not listed here unless I have seen one of their actual books either in person or listed on a used-book website.

For some of these companies I have shown what standard publisher they are owned by or affiliated with. For some I have shown the earliest date found on one of their books, or the date they were founded. I have also indicated what country they are located in, if not the US.

This is not an exhaustive list because more and more POD publishers seem to spring up daily.

1. AuthorHouse, US and UK branches, owned by Author Solutions

2. Bertrams Print on Demand

3. BiblioBazaar, 2007

4. BiblioLife, 2010

5. Blitzprint, Canada

6. Blurb, affiliated with Chronicle Books

7. Book Locker

8. The Book Pub

9. BookMobile, 1996

10. BookSurge, affiliated with R.R. Bowker

11. CafePress

12. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010

13. Cold Tree Press

14. Coral Hub Online Services, 2010

15. CreateSpace, owned by Amazon

16. Digital Impressions

17. Digitz.net, owned by BookSurge

18. Dodo Press, 2008

19. eBookStand, 1996

20. Echo Library, 2007

21. Ex Libris

22. 1stBooks Library, 2007

23. First Choice Books, Canada

24. General Books, 2010

25. GreatUnpublished, owned by BookSurge

26. Impressions Unlimited

27. IndyPublish, 2004

28. Infinity Publishing

29. iUniverse, owned by Author Solutions

30. Kessinger Publishing Company, 2004

31. Lightning Source, owned by new-book distributor Ingram

32. Lulu, 2007

33. NetPublications

34. Outskirts Press

35. Page Free Publishing

36. Read Books, 2008

37. Replica Books, owned by new-book distributor Baker & Taylor

38. Scribd, 2009, affiliated with Simon & Schuster

39. Sovereign Grace Publishers, owned by IndyPublish

40. Trafford Publishing, Canada, owned by Author Solutions

41. Tutis Digital Publishing, 2008

42. University Microfilms International, affiliated with University of Michigan, c.1938

43. Xlibris, 2008, owned by Author Solutions, affiliated with Random House


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07 May 2010

92 Silly eBay Handles

. . . Truly, the task of choosing an online name presents some computer users with too many possibilities. These names have been collected over many years of eBay surfing. This list is not an endorsement of eBay or of anyone on eBay. I just think they're funny names.

Can't Think of a Name
1. blankplastickeyrings
2. computer*says*no
3. donotchangeuserid
4. fed_up_with_chosing_an_id
5. i_have_a_really_long_nickname
6. knotminame
7. namewithoutnumbers
8. needtoner
9. no-one-in-particular
10. notacleverusername
11. soundslikethis
12. userkeptprivate
13. usethisnameplease

Horrid Puns
14. brideofgoopenstein
15. gnomeplacelikehome
16. oddsandendtiques
17. perryphernalia
18. refried.jeans
19. robs-your-uncle
20. ultimatoauctions
21. youth_in_asia

Addicted to Shopping
22. allthetimeonline
23. deepinhock
24. dontoverbiditsmine
25. ebaayismylife
26. emptyshoppingbag
27. fatauctionfreaks
28. gonnagobroke
29. idontneedsthis
30. iwantcandy2
31. iwantyouretrash
32. missjunkaholic
33. shopaholic-mom
34. sir_snipes_alot
35. spoiling_my_children
36. theguywhopaystoomuchjusttowin
37. 30pairsofflipflopsandcounting

Silly Rhymes
38. blingblingkingd
39. cleanbeanqueen
40. funky-retro-monkey
41. mamamiaitsmaria
42. mr_spoon_on_the_moon
43. mydelectable-collectables
44. oohaahpinkguitar
45. slurpeeherpee
46. wizardofgizzard

I Love My Pet
47. frodothecyberdog
48. fussygerbil
49. ineedadog
50. muffythebarkingdog
51. thingsthatsqueak
52. 3blueyeddashounds

Cheeky Devil
53. dead.peoples.stuff
54. givemechocolate
55. hellcatlouise
56. im_going_to_live_forever
57. not2old2boogie
58. queenofmostthings
59. ratherbeonthelake!
60. shutupdonnie
61. someonesmellsfunky
62. thebutlerdidit!
63. wopbopaloobopalopbamboom

My Stuff is the Best
64. auctions-under-two-dollars
65. buy-it-now-it-bargain-time!
66. got2bid2buy
67. oooh!babyiamworthit!

Doctor Who and Monty Python Fans
68. artur2sheds
69. boxtardis
70. dalek10
71. davros61
72. doctor221
73. the-black-knigget
74. whopunk

Buyer is Insane
75. brain.e.ak
76. braineatingmaniac
77. cross-out-the-eyes
78. das_monster_unter_deinem_bett (German: the monster under your bed)
79. freakshowof1
80. geniessss
81. jackseviltwin-edtheripper
82. kwaazycat
83. madwhacker
84. mistress_murder
85. newratik_of_the_banana_republic
86. psycho666insane
87. thedonnerparty

Amusing Seller Names on Amazon
88. burnt_biscuit_books
89. myfavoriatebook
90. qualitybooks_fastshipping_satisfactiongurantee
91. student_who_doesnt_want_these_books_anymore
92. weresorrybutanothercustomerisalreadyusingyournickname


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